The Story of Habs-a-Nero
Habs-a-Nero hot sauce is made in Evanston, Illinois, by Habs Olson.
Habs started experimenting with small batch hot sauce as a family project during the pandemic. He tested various flavors and spices, offering sample bottles with friends and family. Word spread, and Habs got quite good at deflecting questions about his secret ingredients that gave his sauce it's unique kick.
After posting photos on Facebook, his first "orders" came from two friends based in New York and the UK. The shipments were met with rave reviews and his first payment - a ten pound British note.
Habs-a-Nero became a business in 2024 after extensive research on licensing, product packaging and how to set up a website. It has been a family effort, with parents and siblings contributing technical assistance, graphic design and seed funding.
We hope you give Habs-a-Nero hot sauce a try!